Care Instructions

For all jewellery metals follow this general guide:

Storage: Store your jewellery in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and air exposure. Use airtight bags or jewellery boxes lined with soft fabric to prevent scratches and oxidation.

Regular Cleaning: Clean your jewellery regularly with a mild soap and warm water solution using a soft-bristled brush like an old toothbrush ( or silver or gold) or a soft cloth for vermeil pieces. Gently scrub the jewellery to remove dirt, oils, and residues, then rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft cloth.

Wear with Care: Remove  jewellery before engaging in activities such as swimming, showering, exercising, or household chores to prevent scratches, dents, and exposure to chemicals.

Avoid Chemicals: Avoid exposing your jewellery to harsh chemicals such as household cleaners, perfumes, lotions, hairsprays, and cosmetics, as they can accelerate tarnishing and damage plating.

For the Knot collection:

These styles are textured so they cannot be polished, over time the silver and vermeil styles may develop a patina, if you choose to reduce this effect:

For sterling Silver and gold:

To reduce tarnish: Mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar with 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl of lukewarm water. Let the silver soak for two to three hours.

Gold Vermeil:

Stick to soap, warm water and a very soft cloth or a cotton ball.

Pearl styles: 

Avoid the pearls by using a toothbrush to dip in cleaning solution rather than soaking.